On This Deck
In All Outside
Butler Service
Marble Master Bath
Separate Jacuzzi Tub
Separate Shower
Stocked Minibar
Pre-Dinner Canapés
Q5 Queens Grill Suite
Q4 Penthouse Suite
Q3 Royal Suites
(Queen Anne and Victoria)
Q2 Quad Suite
Q2 Duplex Apartment
Q1 Grand Duplex
P2 Junior Suites-Aft and
P1 Junior Suites
Inside D2
Q1 Balmoral Bedroom

Q1 Balmoral Upper Level Exercise Area

Q2 Windsor, Holyrood & Buckingham
Q1 Sandringham Balcony Extends

Q5, Q6 Suites

Q5 - Above and Below

P1 & P2 Junior Suites
50% Wider Than B Accommodations
(Pictured Below)
(On Deck 10 Only)
lovely junior suites on Deck 10 feature a sitting area, large balcony and
full bath with tub and shower. Separate bar and compact walk-in closet. 381 sq.

Luxury Cruises
Family Accommodations
+ = Triple
with Single Sofa Bed
● =
Double Sofa Bed for 3rd, 4th
= Handicapped Accommodation

Queen Mary Suite (Ahead)
Queen Anne Suite (Right)

Upper Left Starts at Deck 12, B1
The first balcony on Deck 10: Q4 Penthouse.
Second balcony from left on Deck 10: P2
Balconies Even With Lifeboats: B3 |